Hooray! We are finally in our REAL classroom. The children were so excited to explore the room during our first official week in it. It is a bit smaller than the enormous Kindernasium, but it is homey and OURS! The children have been working hard on their letter knowledge for the letters t, b, f, m, and n. They are able to identify the letter, say the sound that it makes, and write the lowercase letter correctly. Please encourage your children to practice writing their names using a capital letter for the first letter and then all others lowercase. In math, the children are learning how to identify when things look the same and when they look different. We are continuing to practice our number formation writing. The children have learned the correct way to write the numbers 1-5 up to this point using a fun little song sung to the tune of "Skip to My Lou". Ask them about it!
For a good behavior incentive, I introduced Mr. Potatohead to the children on Friday. Any time the children get a whole class compliment for good behavior or working hard, Mr. Potatohead will get a piece added to his body. Once Mr. Potatohead is completely put together, the children will earn a Pajama Day at school. Mrs. Granoth will need to wear her bathrobe and slippers that day too!
Please check out the Specialists tab on this blog as it gives information about where your children are coming from each day at pick up.
Have a wonderful weekend!