Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Jumping into June!

Happy Happy June! Our little Kinders are officially on their way to being 1st Graders! While the year is winding down, we have been busy in the classroom learning all about our community helpers. Of course we kicked the unit off with a trip to our Fire Station, but since then we have had the opportunity to learn about some pretty incredible jobs in our own classroom setting. Thank you to all of our guest speakers who have come in over the past week to talk about their jobs. It has been a refreshing break from our daily routine!

We continue to rehearse for our big Kindergarten Show on June 14th. Next Thursday is an all-school Field Day as well! The kids shirts came out adorable and I will be sending those home on Friday of this week! Please wear the new blue shirts to Field Day as well as the Kindergarten show.

A special thank you to Mrs. Trojer for coming in as our surprise Mystery Reader this week! Happy birthday to Victoria!

Monday, May 16, 2016

Fire Station Field Trip and Beautification Day

What a great way to kick off our two-week long Community Helper Unit and such a gorgeous walk to the Woburn Street Fire Station! There were lots of great questions and I was extremely impressed with how much the kids already knew regarding fire safety!
Beautification Day was also a success! Thank you to the families who stuck around after dismissal to help plant herbs in some of the garden beds behind the school! Looking forward to Pajama/Movie Day tomorrow!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Busy Bees During April and May

Spring is just flying by us! We have been busy as ever in Kindergarten prepping for last months Open House, getting a visit from our town Fire Fighters, as well as enjoying our learning and center times. This past Friday, we had a visit from The Fairy Tale Players! The kids loved watching and participating in their version of "The Three Little Pigs". Check out so many of our great pictures from this past month!