Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

The children had quite the exciting Friday morning! When they arrived into the classroom, they were quick to notice that a sneaky little leprechaun had run around their classroom and better yet......used their toilet!!! (The leprechaun conveniently only used his right foot, but the kids didn't seem to notice!!!) They got quite the kick out of what our leprechaun did!

For his sharing today, Liam shared with us a video of him performing a real Irish Step dance in his recital from a year or so back! We even got to learn a few new steps from him!

The children have started to learn about famous author, Eric Carle. Eric Carle wrote many children's books, his most popular being "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". The children learned that what makes Eric Carle's illustrations so interesting is that he actually paints pieces of tissue paper to get all of his incredible textures and colors! Today we started to create our own tissue paper animals to be shown at the end of the month during our Open House.

Finally, a special thanks to Mrs. Dee for coming in yesterday as our Guest Mystery Reader! Thank you for sharing such fun books with the class!

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Working hard!

The children were so excited when they learned they had earned an all-school dance party for showing one of our important Barrows Beliefs: COLLABORATION
We danced our morning away - complete with a disco ball!

We had so much fun watching The Fairy Tale Players perform some fables for us! Thank you to Deanna Dodge for organizing our morning workshop!

The kids are really taking off with their reading and writing skills! During Writer's Workshop, the children are now working on "How-To Writing". They know that good writers need to:
1. Tell what do do in clear steps.
2. Number their steps.
3. Have a picture for each step.

We also celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday last week and explored many of the fun books that he wrote.

"How To Make a Balloon" By: Sophie

"How To Make Cookies" By: Emily

James proudly showing his work: "How To Have a Clean House"

Melanie proudly reading her work!

Building words during Literacy Stations.

After listening to The Cat In The Hat By Dr. Seuss, the kids wrote about what they would do if the Cat In The Hat came to their house........

Read-A-Thon Reading Log

Click on the link below to download a copy of the Read-A-Thon Reading log!

Reading Log for Read-A-Thon