Friday, January 13, 2017

Diving into the new year!

We have had quite the productive first two weeks back! Can you believe that in just a few short weeks, our little kinders will officially be celebrating Day 100 and on their way to being First Graders?! Time has flown this year!
Today we spent the day talking about Martin Luther King Jr. The children have no school on Monday and we spent a lot of time talking about why. Mrs. Papa, our librarian, also did a nice job presenting a slideshow on the Smartboard explaining about Dr. King while in library yesterday. Check out some of our fabulous and thought provoking work!

This past Tuesday, the children participated in an all-school assembly. The Kindergarten students and teachers presented the story of The Mitten Tree to the rest of the school. Students had the opportunity during the assembly to donate mittens that they brought in from home. The mittens will be donated at the end of the month to those in need. Thank you for your very generous contributions!

Check out Ada donating her mittens to our Mitten tree!

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